
CFE takes on building obsolescence with pulse real estate revalorisation.

Press release
Pr pulse hero

The CFE Group is launching pulse, a one-stop-shop for Belgian and international investors looking to revitalise their property portfolio. Backed by the expertise of the CFE Group, the pulse team guide clients through the whole process of revalorising their asset with a focus on increased energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions and enhanced comfort and wellbeing of occupants.

The Belgian real estate stock is among the oldest in Europe and is losing value every day. Currently, more than 95% of buildings are in need of renovation by 2050 in light of the European Green Deal and the EU Taxonomy. In Brussels, more than 75% of office buildings underperforms are very energy inefficient. 

Faced with the increasing obsolescence of buildings, a crucial question arises: how can we restore market value to old buildings while meeting environmental imperatives?

The large majority of buildings in Belgium underperform in terms of energy efficiency and require thorough renovation by 2050. But this can be a daunting prospect for investors because there is so much to consider. With pulse we don’t merely renovate but rather guide clients through the whole process of revalorising their asset.

Raymund TrostCEO of the CFE Group

In Pulse the CFE Group combines the expertise of all its companies in real estate development, construction & renovation, and multi-technical installations to offer an integrated solution for the revalorisation of real estate. Pulse services include: 

  • defining the ideal use of a building, 
  • energy & environmental audits, 
  • permit applications, 
  • renovation works, 
  • technology to reduce energy consumption, 
  • and the option of a maintenance contract and an energy performance guarantee.

We are very pragmatic and 100% ROI-driven. Our sole aim is to increase the energy performance and market value of investors’ assets. Based on the extensive experience of the CFE Group we have developed a coherent package of services that we can tailor to our clients' specific needs.

Thibaut MahieuManager of the Pulse team

With pulse, CFE is structuring its approach for end-to-end revalorization, building on its extensive track record of projects such Gare Maritime, ZIN in Noord, Usquare, Kanal-Centre Pompidou, and many more. A speaking example is the multitechnical installation (HVAC, lighting, PV panels etc.) for 26,700 m² public buildings in Aarschot resulted in reduced energy and gas consumptions of 59 and 27%.

First Pulse project with Ethias

Over the coming months, CFE will be further developing its integrated pulse offering, developing projects with a select number of clients. A first project following the pulse methodology will be done with Ethias on a 8,500 m² project in Brussels.

The market is at the start of a massive real estate transformation wave. We must rethink our operating model and reshape our buildings to align them with our ESG targets while ensuring a return on investment. The real value of real estate will be in how sustainable we can make it. An A to Z approach such as pulse, able to cover the full revalorisation journey, is invaluable in such a process.

Isabelle VanderkelenHead of Real Estate at Ethias

Do you have any questions, comments or would you like to discuss how we can revitalise your real estate portfolio in Belgium or in Poland?

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